Explanation Of The Types Of Eyeglass Lenses Available
Our Markham optometrists at Unionville Optometry offer a brief overview of some of the different types of eyeglass lenses available for prescription eyeglasses.
We carry numerous brand name eye care and eyewear products. Our optometrists also recommend annual eye exams to determine the proper eyeglass lens type necessary to help correct your vision through the years.
If you still have questions call our Markham Optometry clinic at 905-477-4488 or send us an email.
Single Vision Eyeglass Lenses
“Single vision” eyeglasses are the type of eyeglass lenses where the lens is designed for one specific distance. Single vision commonly refers to ‘distance eyeglasses’ and ‘reading eyeglasses’.
Distance Eyeglass Lenses
Distance eyeglasses are used to help see far away (for driving or watching TV for instance). Some patients with a mild prescription may only use their distance vision eyeglasses occasionally, however many patients require this type of eyeglass lens all the time; and in many cases will leave them on even when they are looking at closer distances such as reading or at a computer.
Reading Glasses
Reading glasses are used for closer distances such as reading a book, looking at a menu, cell phone, and sometimes a computer. In many cases, the lenses in reading glasses will blur distance vision, so the eyeglasses will need to be removed when looking far away. It is important to note that there is a difference between the magnifying reading glasses that are sold in a pharmacy or grocery store, and reading glasses with a prescription dispensed by an optometrist or eye doctor.
Trifocal Eyeglass Lenses
Trifocal eyeglasses are similar to bifocal eyeglasses however in addition to the top portion for distance and the bottom portion for reading this lens type also has a middle zone that is used for intermediate distances such as computer. The distance, intermediate, and reading zones are each separated by a line.
Progressive Eyeglasses
Progressive addition lenses are sometimes referred to as a “no line bifocal” glasses. Progressive eyeglasses have a graduated change in the lens from distance, to intermediate, to near without any lines in the lenses.
Children’s Eyeglasses
Our Markham optometrists fit all types of eyeglass lenses for children with a special lens type that passes safety standard testing. In addition to being impact resistant, this eyeglass lens material is also thin, lightweight, offers UV protection, and includes a high quality scratch resistant coating.
If you are unsure of the type of eyeglass lenses you need for yourself, your child, or for another family member, our eye specialists can help.
Unionville Optometry services eye patients in Markham, Stouffville, Newmarket, North York, Vaughan, Richmond Hill and Pickering, among others. We also offer an in-house dry eye clinic for people who suffer from dry eye syndrome.
To learn more about what eyeglass lens type would be best for your, book an appointment with our Markham Optometrists Dr. David Innamorato, Dr. Krista Innamorato, or Dr. Mark Innamorato.
Contact Our Markham Optometrists
Unionville Optometry in Markham Ontario offers a full range of personalized eye care services for all ages.
To learn more about the types of eyeglass lenses our optometrists can prescribe or to book a professional eye exam please contact our Unionville Optometry eye clinic or call our optometry office at 905-477-4488.
You can also reach us by email.